Monday, April 25, 2016

A little organization goes a long way....

There are so many tools and parts and pieces when it comes to cake decorating.  It can get overwhelming.  For someone like ME, it takes some extra thought when it comes to organization because I use these things often enough to need a really good storage system.  If everything is hard to get to, it makes me take more time when decorating and my profit goes down.  I get frustrated when I have to search for things also.  My mom came up with a GREAT idea for our cake decorating tips.  In one of the kitchen drawers, she placed two ice cube trays side by side.  Each cube receptacle holds one to four tips and we have them sorted by type.  In the back of the drawer in a larger white tray, we have the lesser used tips or the bigger sized ones.  This has proven to be a perfect way to store one of the most used items in cake decorating.  There are many other tools and items that are needed to decorate cake, but the tips are probably the most frequently used of all of them. Great job Mom for coming up with such a genius idea!

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